Sun Bum Sunscreen Review

Matthew Pellicer


What Makes Sunscreen Ocean Safe?

As we become more conscious of our environment, we realize that many of the products we use are harming our planet. Being exposed to the elements means protecting your skin from UV rays. I won’t go convincing anyone that overexposure isn’t good for their skin.

To first understand the harmful ingredients, it is important to understand how the ingredients enter the environment. Once you apply it to your skin and start soaking in the sun and tanning, you eventually jump into the water to cooldown or shower to clean up after a day outside. The chemicals are removed from the body and enter the ocean. These then disintegrate coral reefs and create an imbalance in the ocean’s ecosystem as many species of marine life live within these. I’m no scientist so I won’t try to explain how this occurs but the chemicals responsible for this destruction are oxybenzone and octinoxate.

How does Sun Bum Fit in This?

Sun Bum adds a layer of complexity to the “ocean safe” or “reef safe” terminology. They prefer “reef friendly” because we don’t really know all the ingredients that are bad for our reefs. All the products I tried out, were reef friendly and it definitely played into why I bought them. Their products are also cruelty free which means they have not been tested on animals. On top of all that, their products are vegan and gluten free!

Sun screen products

How Were Their Products?

I tried three of their products. With fair skin, I definitely need something a little stronger in the early portion of the summer before the tan comes in.

I always like to have a sun screen spray to make my life easier. The one I chose was the SPF 30 (you can find it here). I love that it dries quickly and you don’t need to rub it in. Makes it super easy to apply even when no one is there to help you get your back!

For my face and tattoos, I opted for a cream. I don’t have any problems reaching and that way I can avoid getting some in my eyes. I chose a stronger SPF and went for 50 (You can find it here). It feels very light and not greasy which makes it great for your face as it won’t clog up your pores.

The last product I picked up was the Signature SPF 30 Face Stick. It is mineral based so a little different. I really liked it and having it as a stick made application super easy! It also dried super quick and I couldn’t feel it at all.

On all their products, I also really enjoyed the smell! It doesn’t smell like a bunch of chemicals but like you are on vacation.

Overall, it is one of the best sun screens I have tried on top of being great for our environment and having a great logo.

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